Katherine Ayers - Code Club

Code Club Useful Links

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Code Club

Code Club is part of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and is a registered charity.

Their mission is to help kids from all over the world learn how to code.

Code Clubs are held in schools or libraries.

Coder Dojo is a sister group of Code Club is similar but can be ran in any community venue

Wirral Code Club

Wirral Code Club is ran by a small group of volunteers, myself, John and Chris.

Due to COVID restrictions we are currently only able to provide a limited service.

We used to host face to face sessions at local libraries and online. We are running online session only at the moment

We are in talks about running Wirral Code Club for face to face sessions and a Wirral Coder Dojo as pop-up and online sessions once the restrictions are all liftted and are currently in discussions with local non-profit community organisations and small business owners

Wirral Code Club Online

Creating a Scratch Account

This video is to help parents set their kids up with a scratch account.

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Scratch Tutorial

This video is a tutorial for Scratch.

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Code Club Scratch Projects

Rock Band

This project teaches you;
    How to use code to change a sprites costume in Scratch.
    How to use code to make sprites react in Scratch.
    How to add sounds to Scratch and sprites.

This video includes The offical Code Club project and a Wirral Code Club example

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CodeClub Module 1: Rock Band

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Lost In Space

This project teaches you:
    How to use loops to make animations in Scratch.
    How to use forever loops and nested loops in Scratch.

This video includes The offical Code Club project and a Wirral Code Club example

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Code Club Module 1: Lost in Space

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Ghost Busters

This project teaches you:
    How to pause between actions and why this is done.
    To use random numbers in Scratch.
    How to add variables in Scratch

This video includes The offical Code Club project and a Wirral Code Club example

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Code Club Module 1: Ghose Busters

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Wirral Code Club Interactive

Interactive video

we wanted to encourage kids to make their own interactive videos using all the skills learnt from Code Club Module 1.

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Kat's Code Kid's Part 1

Kat's Code Kid's, George and Ethan are two of our code clubbers who joined Kat making their own interactive animation

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Kat's Code Kid's Part 2

Kat's Code Kid's, George and Ethan are two of our code clubbers who joined Kat making their own interactive animation

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Kat's Coding Randoms

Coding Random's is a fun idea using the Scratch random function to create fun games or animations

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